Short & Sweet: Resolve and Resolutions for 2025

I am not going to be long today, knowing that many may be in the midst of all The Busy. There is so much to read and do already so today’s message is short ‘n sweet. 

We will but touch on resolutions, nothing heavy. I will share some of mine, but first let’s get on the same page. My page tells me that the word ‘Resolution’ often gets a bad rap. The ones we make, the ones we break, the ones that fall by the wayside...

Let’s take a different approach, shall we? Resolution is not a bad thing, nor a scary thing. It doesn’t have a caboose of “shoulds” following it. If we free associate a tiny bit I come up with Resolution, re-solve, resolve... I HAVE resolve! 

Oh yes, that feels good.

I have a lot of resolve. You likely already know that about me as well because I write a lot about having purpose and setting intentions. I like that the word ‘resolve’ carries with it such strength.  

What I have not been so hot at in years past is making resolutions, feeling it was a task one must do. Rather, I am big on holiday observations, and reverence. 

I experience times of contemplation   From these moments have come thoughts of What Am I On This Earth To Do, and even that is changing. Now I am responding to What Am I On This Earth To Do, And How Much Time Do I Have Left To Do It?  Or maybe I have ticked some items off the list and it’s time to rejig the list.

I once knew a self-made millionaire who purposefully dedicated some time every New Year’s Eve to chart her goals for the year. Then she would (not kidding) mat and frame her tiny jots and hang them by her desk, in full view, for the entire year.  Not a bad idea, I may try that someday.

Here are a few of my contemplations: 

I'm soon to be another year older, which I don’t really care about (I used to round UP when asked, really). Because I have made changes, reset my intentions and adjusted my planning I can honestly tell you that I am the happiest I have ever been.

The last couple of years have included a lot of change for me. Some of that change was necessary, and some orchestrated to a large degree. It was all to get myself into better space: geographic, headspace, home space, how I was going to generate income and change in order  to regain work-life balance. In fact, to tip the proverbial see-saw of activities from less work and more leisure and volunteer.

Not that all change was (because of) bad, it was simply time to make adjustments. I see it as the stuff I talk about so much, just changing and aging, planning, and also walking my talk about that planning. It was time to Jiggle The Handle.

I do have some resolutions, the result of the rejig. I have some goals heading into the New Year: 

New Website (we got this one done early). If you’ve not visited I invite you to go “site-seeing” here.

New Services, new model –

     Triage – One Hour-Consultations designed to discuss, provide quick assessment and to provide customized recommendations for your concerns, such as aging and Solo Aging, healthcare navigation, communication and How Stuff Works-education.

Improv For Older Adults. I will be taking improv opportunities in my region, and perhaps could offer some online gatherings for such, who knows? I will keep you updated about all that as I train to better facilitate In person and online groups. I am feeling smug about inserting fun into my routine (Endorphins!).

Volunteering more is in my action plans for 2025. I am entering some work with AARP here in SC and hope to put my skills to work speaking, teaching, and helping with events.

Pursuit of leisure skills – Yeah, let’s make sure that is part of the rejig (since I can allow that. Self-employment has such advantages... Now if I will only do the pursuit).

I am going to be good to Nancy. Summa that self-care that is not only balance but keeping my healthcare a priority (have y’all been able to notice that I am 40 pounds lighter? Nutritional counseling and changes, forming new habits is working).

I am going to tell people that they are important to me, be intentional about saying it and conveying it. I want to be one of the kinds of people that do that.

What, may I ask, is your resolve? Your re-solves, or resolutions for 2025? I hope you will devote even a few minutes getting in touch with what is important to you and then will set some intentions. Mat and frame ’em if you like. Hit REPLY and tell me, if you like.

May I call upon your resolve? To book a consultation, or to refer a friend or a loved one? If you know someone who is struggling, encountering change or confusion in aging, who wants to ensure they are on the right path, or if they are asking the right questions... will you send them my way? 

In this holiday season and beyond I hope you will: 

     Be good to the people you see. 

     Think of those you will not see and let them know they have a place in your heart. 

I hope something I have shared today helps you to move more comfortably forward - into 2025!

Nancy Ruffner is a consulting patient advocate who works with patients and their loved ones toward healthcare navigation, aging, and solo aging.  Offering 1-Hour consultations to ensure your strategy. 919.628.4428


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